Bouquet Blue Oilcloth
Embellish your decor with our lovely Bouquet Blue Oilcloth. Featuring diminutive bunches of flowers on a blue background with a black grid, this fabric adds elegance and charm to any space. Ideal for creating stunning tablecloths, chic aprons, and stylish covers, that you'll be able to use over and over again. Our oilcloth is durable, will not fray, waterproof, and washable. Perfect for both indoor and outdoor use, maintenance is a breeze – simply wipe clean with a soapy sponge.
- Pattern: Diminutive bunches of flowers with a black grid
- Color Scheme: Blue background
- Width: 47 inches
- Durability: Weather resistant, waterproof, and washable
- Care Instructions: Easy to clean with a soapy sponge
- Available Sizes: Sold by the yard (47" wide) or in a 12-yard roll (47" wide)
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